The 2015 Chapter Year was one for the DeMolay record books! DeMolay registered more members in 2015 than members who reached majority. Here are some highlights… Top 10 Jurisdictions – New Members Initiated 1. Missouri – 365 New Members 2. Bolivia – 316 New Members 3. Southern California – 115 New Members 4. Oklahoma – 101 New Members 5. Indiana – 82 New Members 6. Texas – 74 New Members 7. Northern California – 69 New Members 8. Florida – 67 New Members 9. Ohio – 64 New Members 9. Virginia – 64 New Members Top 10 Jurisdictions – %
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Archives for Conejo Valley DeMolay
Conejo Valley DeMolay Installation
The Officers of Conejo Valley DeMolay were installed on January 16th, 2016 at 7PM at Conejo Valley Lodge, in Thousand Oaks California. The Officers for 2016: Master Councilor: Gabriel Ibarra Senior Councilor: Josyph Fletcher Junior Councilor: Christopher Hamilton Senior Deacon: Tony Ibarra Junior Deacon: Christopher Vadbunker Chaplin: Christian Cule Senior Steward: Sterling Rosenfeldt Junior Steward: Anthony Gambino Marshall: Armondo Magana Sentinel: Ryan Gooch Standard Bearer: Micheal Langberg Thank you to everyone who came and supported our Installation and made it special!
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Conejo Valley DeMolay Installation of Officers
You are invited to attend Conejo Valley DeMolay Installation of Officers on December 20th, at 7:00 PM. Join the Officers, Advisors and families of Conejo Valley DeMolay as we install our new Corp of Officers. MC Elect – Christopher Liner, SC Elect – Christopher Hamilton and JC Elect Gabriel Ibarra. Address: Conejo Valley Lodge 2786 Crescent Way (map) Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 Please stay for refreshments, video and board games afterwards.
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Conejo Valley Order of Eastern Star Flag Presentation
Conejo Valley DeMolay was proud to server with the Conejo Valley Squires and Rainbow Girls Assembly to present the flag for Conejo Valley Order of Eastern Star’s Installation of Officers. Congratulations to newly installed officers of OES of Conejo Valley.
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Channel Islands Order of Eastern Star Flag Presentation
Conejo Valley DeMolay Proudly presents the flag for the Channel Islands Order of Eastern Star’s Installation of Officers. Our members were proud to help and be a part, and wish all the best to newly installed officers of OES of Channel Islands.
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NASA JPL Open House 2014
Conejo Valley DeMolay recently went on a trip to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. This event was opened to the public for its annual Open House on October 11-12, 2014. This year the theme for JPL’s open house was “Welcome to Our Universe,” and invited guests to take a “ride” through the wonders of space. Some of the highlights of this trip included a life-size model of Mars Science Laboratory, with mock demos of NASA’s curiosity and opportunity (which are currently on MARS). There were also numerous demonstrations from space missions; JPL’s machine shop was open where they showcased where robotic spacecraft
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DeMolay Burgers at Kern County Fair
Conejo Vallley serves DeMolay Burgers at Kern County Fair Conejo Valley DeMolay is honored to serve DeMolay Burgers at Kern County Fair thanks to our brothers at the East Bakersfield DeMolay Chapter. A few months ago East Bakersfield Order of DeMolay approached Conejo Valley Chapter to participate in a wonderful fundraising opportunity to work at their East Bakersfield DeMolay fair booth at the Kern County Fair. Together at a chapter and advisory council level the notion was conceived that “not only will our members be receiving a donation for their time serving at the East Bakersfield DeMolay fair booth, but
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SCJ Conclave 2014
For those who were not able to attend this year at Conclave, we’d like to share with you a few of the highlights with particular attention to the young men and women of Conejo Valley Chapter. We congratulate everyone for taking on the responsibility of office in any capacity or have been honored with an award throughout every league in SCJ and all the offices of Southern California Jurisdiction Order of DeMolay. It’s because of the combined effort of every single one of officers, members, advisors and it’s supporters that makes it all possible for DeMolay to develop tomorrow’s leaders
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SCJ Elections
Conejo Valley was proud to bring 4 delegates to the SCJ DeMolay Elections this year. Congratulations to all the newly elected officers for the Southern California Jurisdiction, SCJ Leauges, and Priory. The nominees prepared great speeches and the races were close. We are thankful for all the past Jurisdiction and League officers for a great term with positive growth. We are also excited for this next term of officers as they look to transform the DeMolay into it’s highest potential.
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Conejo Valley DeMolay Installation
Conejo Valley Order of DeMolay was proud to host it’s first Installation of Officers as an officially chartered Chapter. The installation took place on June 12, 2014 at Conejo Valley Masonic Lodge #807 in Thousand Oaks California. Several family members, SCJ DeMolay Officers, Dad Key, Conejo’s Worshipful Master Scott Speigel, League Representatives, Conejo’s DeMolay Advisors and more were in attendance to show their support. A special thanks to everyone who made this event possible! Image Gallery below with pictures from the Installation! [rev_slider DeMolayInstallation] We are thankful for the officers and advisors that served last term to make it
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