Conejo Vallley serves DeMolay Burgers at Kern County Fair

That’s a lot of corn dogs! That doesn’t keep the DeMolay for making every situation an opportunity while still having fun.
Conejo Valley DeMolay is honored to serve DeMolay Burgers at Kern County Fair thanks to our brothers at the East Bakersfield DeMolay Chapter. A few months ago East Bakersfield Order of DeMolay approached Conejo Valley Chapter to participate in a wonderful fundraising opportunity to work at their East Bakersfield DeMolay fair booth at the Kern County Fair.
Together at a chapter and advisory council level the notion was conceived that “not only will our members be receiving a donation for their time serving at the East Bakersfield DeMolay fair booth, but most importantly, these young men will be learning invaluable work experience and customer service skills” said Dad Lippincott, Chapter Dad for Conejo Valley DeMolay.
Conejo Valley’s members are scheduled in shifts all day to serve DeMolay Burgers all day today, Saturday, September 20th 2014, starting this morning until the fair closes at 11 pm. Come by to say hi to the Conejo Valley Demolay and try a burger at the East Valley Bakersfield DeMolay fair booth “Home of the DeMolay Burger”.
Conejo Valley would also like to thank the members of the Hollywood DeMolay Chapter who have been an incredible help and asset to building better and stronger Chapter relations and fundraising potential. We look forward at the prospect of furthering our ties and relationships with your chapter and it’s members!
Although Conejo Valley DeMolay is only serving this Saturday, you are welcome to come say hi and enjoy a burger with the rest of our brothers and fellow chapters who will also be participating in this wonderful fundraising event at the Kern County Fair. The Kern County Fair is scheduled until September 28th, so make sure to come by and try the Famous DeMolay Burger and help support these young men lead better and more productive lives. For fair hours please visit the Kern County Fair website.

Members of Conejo Valley DeMolay and Hollywood Chapter helping at the East Bakersfield DeMolay fair booth at the Kern County Fair 2014

The Official DeMolay Burger!
Update: Conejo Valley DeMolay arrives for a busy and productive night shift at the Kern County Fair. The life and work experience gained by helping work the booth is truly invaluable. Often times it’s not what you do, but how you are doing what you are doing that makes a difference. In other words, having the right spirit and attitude about things is what makes the difference in about everything in life. Being in DeMolay affords many wonderful opportunities. Having the pleasure to serve with our brothers at the Bakersfield Chapter is proof that DeMolay and the leadership qualities it promotes is the difference!

Conejo Valley DeMolay serving the night shift at the East Bakersfield Fair Booth at the Kern County Fair 2014.