The Officers of Conejo Valley DeMolay were installed on January 16th, 2016 at 7PM at Conejo Valley Lodge, in Thousand Oaks California. The Officers for 2016: Master Councilor: Gabriel Ibarra Senior Councilor: Josyph Fletcher Junior Councilor: Christopher Hamilton Senior Deacon: Tony Ibarra Junior Deacon: Christopher Vadbunker Chaplin: Christian Cule Senior Steward: Sterling Rosenfeldt Junior Steward: Anthony Gambino Marshall: Armondo Magana Sentinel: Ryan Gooch Standard Bearer: Micheal Langberg Thank you to everyone who came and supported our Installation and made it special!
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Archives for Installation
Conejo Valley DeMolay Installation of Officers
You are invited to attend Conejo Valley DeMolay Installation of Officers on December 20th, at 7:00 PM. Join the Officers, Advisors and families of Conejo Valley DeMolay as we install our new Corp of Officers. MC Elect – Christopher Liner, SC Elect – Christopher Hamilton and JC Elect Gabriel Ibarra. Address: Conejo Valley Lodge 2786 Crescent Way (map) Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 Please stay for refreshments, video and board games afterwards.
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Channel Islands Order of Eastern Star Flag Presentation
Conejo Valley DeMolay Proudly presents the flag for the Channel Islands Order of Eastern Star’s Installation of Officers. Our members were proud to help and be a part, and wish all the best to newly installed officers of OES of Channel Islands.
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