Thank you! We appreciate you coming to our Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Movie Fundraiser From all the members and advisors of Conejo Valley DeMolay, we thank you for your support this year. It was a lot of fun to have a packed theater to share a special viewing experience! Special thanks to James, Kathleen, David, Scott, Jack and Howard at Lucasfilm. We appreciate all your support and getting us all the resources we needed to have a successful event! Also, thank you to James and staff at Cinemark for allowing us to host our event at the theater. The chapter is
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Archives for DeMolay
Conejo Valley Order of Eastern Star Flag Presentation
Conejo Valley DeMolay was proud to server with the Conejo Valley Squires and Rainbow Girls Assembly to present the flag for Conejo Valley Order of Eastern Star’s Installation of Officers. Congratulations to newly installed officers of OES of Conejo Valley.
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DeMolay International Varsity Club
DEMOLAY INTERNATIONAL “Varsity Club” Internal marketing and motivation program for active membership and advisory council members. Mission: Create enthusiasm and fellowship for the organization as well as provide opportunity for all members to become active, engaged, and ultimately an “owner” of their chapter experience. As an acknowledgment of their efforts they will be deemed to have “lettered” in DeMolay. Quarterly measurement – “90 Day clock” – Need to perform/complete a task in each of the five (5) areas listed below. “Clock” resets at beginning of new calendar quarter. No carryovers Program Commences – July 1, 2014 – thru June 30, 2015
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SCJ Conclave 2014
For those who were not able to attend this year at Conclave, we’d like to share with you a few of the highlights with particular attention to the young men and women of Conejo Valley Chapter. We congratulate everyone for taking on the responsibility of office in any capacity or have been honored with an award throughout every league in SCJ and all the offices of Southern California Jurisdiction Order of DeMolay. It’s because of the combined effort of every single one of officers, members, advisors and it’s supporters that makes it all possible for DeMolay to develop tomorrow’s leaders
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History of DeMolay
It has been said that a day can be changed or a great moment launched by a single phone call. Such a call came in January of 1919. As Frank answered the telephone he recognized the voice of Sam Freet, newly installed Senior Warden of Ivanhoe Lodge. “Frank, I have a favor to ask. One of our members, Elmer E. Lower, who had been initiated as a Fellow Craft, died a year ago. Could you find a part-time job for the oldest boy, Louis? He is one of the finest young men I have ever seen. “Sam, you
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